Our Partners
University of Milan
The Department of Occupational and Environmental Health of the University of Milan is the world’s ancients Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health, inaugurated in 1910. The Department has been engaged and has been coordinating several research projects in occupational health at the regional, national & international levels in several corners of the world. Among topics raised by the Department’s projects are psychosocial risk factors, food safety, safe use of pesticides, agriculture & risk assessment. The Department has recently carried out the high educational experience of “European master on Risk Assessment”. The Department’s International Centre for Rural Health, WHO collaborating Centre for OSH, is an international reference point for the several aspects of rural health, such as health promotion among rural population, health care provision to rural inhabitants, occupational & rural health structures & services, distance learning courses in African & Asian countries.
International School of Medicine
ISM is a private institution and presents one of the leading nationwide and regionally recognized medical HE institutions. Being officially registered at FAIMER, IIME, and WHO and having an international HEI status the ISM has strong academic portfolio in education, research and development. ISM trains highly qualified medical specialists, conducts scientific research in high altitude medicine, in areas of public health. ISM delivers graduate and postgraduate (residency) programmes in Medicine, scientific research programmes and training courses for health specialists. Activities of ISM are aimed at quality assurance of educational process; support of persons according to modern social, educational and technical requirements of the community; internationalization of education & scientific research. In its projects ISM promotes community research & development and multisided partnership.
Osh State University
SU is the largest and the oldest university in southern Kyrgyzstan. 27,000 students, including 1500 international students, study at the university. Instruction is offered in both English and Russian. There are about 19 cultural and study centers. There are 2 professional medical schools and one kindergarten affiliated with OSU.OSU is a member of the European Association of International Education and International Association of Universities. Trainings are conducted on 76 specialites in 10 languages; on 24 specialties OSU has joined the world catalogue of universities. With regards to international focus, OSU has also been active in collaborating with programs such as NISSCUP, IREX, ACCELS, DAAD, INTAS, CEP, TEMPUS & cooperates with more than 90 higher education institutions, various foundations, public sectors, embassies and diplomatic representatives of foreign countries around the world.
Taasir-Impact NGO
The NGO is aimed at provision of research and educational services to the society, mainly in public health and health education areas. The organization comprises of more than 20 members of such specialties as public health, industrial hygiene, general medicine, occupational medicine, social sciences. Specialists have different background, research and educational skills, experience of working in international projects. NGO sspecialises in community development research, supporting local communities in health promotion. NGO has experience in participation in international projects in higher education, particularly development of forum for public health specialists.
Kazakh National Medical University
Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov
KazNMU is the first institute in Kazakhstan founded in 1930. It`s mission is providence of a society with harmonically developed specialists of high and post-diploma education, presenting new knowledge in medicine and pharmacy, rendering ethic, highly qualified medical service and strongly and deeply integrated into the world’s community. At the university there are 76 departments and 7 courses at 6 faculties (therapeutic, pediatric, public health, management in public health and pharmacy, general medicine, professional training and 2 faculties (pharmaceutical and stomatological) departments were transformed into modules (pharmaceutical faculty 5 modules, stomatological 9 modules).
Karaganda State Medical University
Karaganda State Medical University today is one of the leading medical HEI in Kazakhstan: according to the National Accreditation Centre’s rating in 2008 year, KSMU has occupied the 8th place among 60 Kazakhstan HEIs and it is the leading medical school in republic. National Certification Commission (2007) marked the high achievements in the University of teaching, research and education and was encouraged to «establish a school of excellence based on KSMU not only for medical universities in Kazakhstan, but in Central Asian republics and CIS countries». KSMU is the first medical institution in the CIS, has successfully held in mid-2005, ratification in accordance with the requirements of all activities of management quality ISO 9001-2000 certification body NQA – Russia – the Russian Mission of the British authority in certification systems management, NQA – UK Global Assurance.5000 local and foreign students study on 5 Faculties of the University.
Semey State Medical University
Semey State Medical University – is one of the higher medical education establishments of Kazakhstan Republiс, which has its own teaching hospital with the branches in the Pavlodar and Ust’-Kamenogorsk towns.
SSMU conducts the tuition by 6 Bachelor’s programs, 4 Master’s degree programs, 2 PhD programs and 15 residency’s programs. Besides, the university performs advanced training and retraining of medical workers.
The university’s mission is to prepare highly professional medical personnel of the rising generation which ready to understand the problems of health, solve strategic development objectives of the country in terms of formation of special branch of mutual cooperation of lecturers, students and employers; introduction of innovative technologies in all frames of university references; performance of society need in health protection of East Kazakhstan Region and Republic of Kazakhstan population.
Own clinical base- Medical Center is specializing priority in cardiac, neurosurgery, rheumatology and pediatric diseases. Scientific cooperation with international universities and research institutions.
Educational Clinical Center models and interactive computer mannequins for practice. The educational classes on surgery, therapy, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesiology and emergency medicine and intravenous therapy for training of all courses students and interns are functioning in that center. More than 220 mannequins are functioning in Educational Clinical Center.
Six modern laboratories (biochemical, morphological, hygienic, physiological, microbiological, immunological and PCR laboratory) for research and practical training. Active use in the educational process of innovative teaching methods: distance learning, e-learning, problem-based, and team-based, a simulation, training, based on the clinical situation.
Avicenna Tajik State Medical University
ATSMU established in 1939 is only one Medical University in Tajikistan and all achievements of public health services system of the country are inseparably linked with its activity. In 4 faculties – Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Public Health with 63 departments (9 general educational, 16 medical and theoretical, 23 therapeutic specialization and 15 surgical specialization departments) 787 teaching staff work. At present 6231 undergraduate and postgraduate 934 students are enrolled including more than 530 international students from Russia, Latvia, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and other countries. ATSMU has links & exchange programs with more than 30 institutions from China, France, Germany, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, Ukraine and other countries. ATSMU was awarded by International Premium of “European Quality” for high professionalism and significant contribution to the advancement of medical science & education.
Khujand State University named B.Gafurov
Khujand State University (KSU) is the most important and oldest higher education institution in Republic Tajikistan. Today it has 17 Faculties, 76 Chairs (Departments), and 12883 students: 7.826 full-time, 5057-part-time, 822 teachers: 60-doctors of science, 236-Candidates of Science (Kandidat Nauk) and Senior Lecturers (docents), 2504 Senior Teachers. It trains 63 skills for full-time students and 29 skills for part-time students. The Faculties are the following: Mathematics, Physics and Engineering, Art and Graphics, Cybernetics, Foreign Languages, Management and Computer Technology Institute, Russian Philology, Uzbek Philology, Pedagogic, Tajik Philology, Oriental Languages, Chemistry and Biology, Geography and Ecology, History, Finance and Market Economy, Physical training, and Art.The Faculty for Biology, Geography and Ecology is a leading institution dealing with research in environmental issues.
Utrecht University
The Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) is an interfaculty research institute (collaboration of the faculties of Veterinary Medicine, Medicine and Science) at UU. The research programme of IRAS is composed of experts in exposure science, toxicology, molecular biology, epidemiology and veterinary and human medicine.
IRAS coordinates research MSc programmes related to Health and Environment
The IRAS’ mission is to provide education and conduct research in the field of health risks posed to humans by exposure to pathogens and possible hazardous substances in the environment, at work or in the food chain. The institute also studies the effects on ecosystems.
Samarkand State Medical Institute
Bukhara State Medical Institute